Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2 (part 1)

"I don't think jogging is healthy, especially morning jogging. If morning joggers knew how tempting they looked to morning motorists, they would stay home and do sit-ups."

~Rita Rudner

I went to bed at 9:45 PM last night. Much improved after my weekend of late nights. My legs felt great, but tired. Slight ache in my left knee. I popped an Alleve and, for the second time of the evening, used the roller stick--the greatest invention of my time.

I didn't know what to expect the next morning as the lights turned out and I tried to settle in to sleep. And tried. And tried.

I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up several times in the night, and each time I awoke I felt as though I had not drank water in weeks. I was guzzling a large glass of water every couple of hours, and it tasted soooo good. My legs were aching. I didn't feel so good... crud, really? Is this how it's going to go?

Then the alarm went off faithfully at 4:40 AM and after a few delirious snoozes I rolled out of bed. There is this defining moment for me, each day, when I first place my weight on my legs. It is different most days, and related to the previous day's activities. Therefore, based upon my previous day, I expected to crumple into a little ball on the floor.

Nothing. Fit as a fiddle. No pain, slightly rubbery, but otherwise stout. In the back of my mind I was terrified, about having to go run AGAIN for 2 hours (ha ha) but I really did feel ok.

I made Jan breakfast and coffee and walked the dog and fiddled around nervously. I drank a very small cup of coffee (DELICIOUS) and had a little roll from a bakery in Poulsbo that tastes like pizza. It was time to get a move on.

I made some changes for this run.
First, I realized that running with the Camelback didn't bother me one little bit. It was, however, much too small for what I needed, so I switched packs to my Novarra hydration pack. The Novarra has a very big, full-zipper pocket, a small pocket with a key clip in the top of the hydration pouch, and a slightly bigger water bladder. And, as I loaded it onto my tired body this morning, it felt MUCH more comfortable than the Camelback. It fit into a better location on my back, had two straps across the front instead of one, and protected my gear better from the rain that had begun to fall.

Rain. Great.

I headed out into the blackness, clicked on my headlamp, and saw the water droplets careening into my eyes, at an angle such that they were being blown directly into the north. Which means I will be running directly into it for 2 hours. But it never really materialized into more of a sprinkle, and in fact turned into a sort of light mist which was delightful. As I started running, I realized I felt completely comfortable. Tired and a bit heavy, but good. No pain, nothing bothering me on the pack, warm... I was happy.

I think I smiled the entire run. I have only felt happier on a few runs in my life than the 13 miles this morning. So happy, did I feel, that I was running WAY too fast and with 5 miles to go would finish in 1:40. Yikes, that probably wont bode well for the rest of the week. I laughed about it and slowed down, walking every once in a while too.


This was the best half yet. Where is this going to go? No pain. Not really any more fatigued, either. Have I broken through to some ability I didn't know I had, or is the bottom about to come crashing out? Whatever it is, I have hit on something for me that I didn't know existed.

I feel like I could run forever, as long as my body contains the energy it needs to sustain me.

Maybe tomorrow I will wear the Vibrams.

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